Mate Program
Eligibility: Boys and Girls 12 years of age to High School Graduation
Goal: To develop fishing and boating skills for a lifetime of enjoyment
- Knot-tying
- Rigging Lines/Baits
- Learn different fishing techniques
- Become affluent in boat handling
- Fishing Rod Building/Repair
- Tackle Maintenance
- Boat Maintenance
- Develop a “pool” of mates
*Additional volunteers welcome and needed.
Bill Ruckert
- Mates Program Coordinator
- (201)240-2136
- mates@mrmtc.com
Mate Program Weekly Events
Week 1
- Safety First Pointers
- Identifying Boat Parts
- Review Fish Species/Limits
- Knot Typing
Week 2
- Review Safety First Pointers
- Review Boat Parts and Fish Species/Limits
- Knot Typing
- Splicing
Week 3
- Review Sefety First Boat Pointers
- Boat Parts and Fish Species Test
- Knot Typing
- Splicing
- Rod Repair
Week 4
- Knot Tying Test
- Splicing Test
- Boat Handling Skills
Week 5
- Boat Handling Skills
- Docking
- Tying Up
- Anchoring
- Rigging Lines
- Hooking Baits
Week 6
- Gaffing/Netting
Week 7
- Review of Above
Week 8
- Captain’s Meeting & Graduation

George Burlew Scholarship
The George Burlew Scholarship Grant was first awarded in June 1979 in honor of Captain George Burlew, who was a Club member and a pioneer of sport fishing on and out of the Manasquan River. Captain Burlew was a well known fishing guide and a long time owner of Burlew’s Anchorage in Manasquan. During it’s early inception, this grant was awarded to high school students as well as college students. Today, the scholarship is only awarded to full of part time Graduate Students pursuing Marine related studies.
The guidelines and requirements for all applicants are as follow:
- Applicants must be Graduate Students pursuing marine related studies
- Applicants must be of full or part time student status
- Applicants must submit one letter of recommendation
- Applicants must submit proof of student status (current paid tuition statement)
- Applicants must return scholarship application from and essay of their studies
*Should you have any question or need further information, please contact.
John Bednar
- Scholarship Committee Chairman
- jbednar078@gmail.com